Hydration Iv Infusion
At Lux we offer Hydration IV Infusions or IV Therapy to help your body replenish with fluids and vitamins. Great for recovery over sickness.
*IV Bag Menu
Immunity Bag
Aids your immune system to prevent and fight off sickness or illness. This bag will also help you to feel well faster. $150 per bag or 2 for $250
Recovery and Performance
Enhances your performance while decreasing recovery time.
$150 per bag or 2 for $250
Reboot Hangover
Feeling a little off after a fun night out? Ease Hangover headache, nausea, and dehydration with this bag. $150 per bag or 2 for $250
Beauty Bag
Fight off acne, wrinkles, and dehydrated skin from the inside out. After this bag you will look like you got your full night of beauty rest. $150 per bag or 2 for $250
Quench Hydration
Dehydrated and Fatigued? Combat and hydrate with this bag. $150 per bag or 2 for $250
Get Up & Go Energy (Skinny Bag)
This bag helps to burn fat and boost your metabolism. Stimulates energy. $150 per bag or 2 for $250
***Vitamin shot add on $20